Stirring up within every child the Wonder of God

At the Vineyard, we have a saying “There is no Big Holy Spirit and Little Holy Spirit.” That’s our way of expressing that the same God that lives and works through each of us, lives and works in our children as well. Jesus himself often spoke of the crucial role that children play in God’s Kingdom so we are following his lead and showing them that God has a plan for their life and each of them has a unique role to play. We want to incite wonder, provoke discovery and invite children into a new understanding of how to grow in relationship with Jesus. We do that by providing a safe and fun environment where every child can feel appreciated and loved.

Our Vision
Transforming our children and families one life at a time for God’s glory by teaching them about the wonder of God’s love, planting seeds of faith and nurturing them in the love of God through the teaching of His Word, and pointing families into discipleship and community within our church.

Adventure Land is offered during all 3 weekend services
Dreamers 0 - 3 Years
Discoverers 3 - 5 Years
Adventurers K - 3rd Grade
Explorers 4th - 5th Grade
Our curriculum is based on three basic, but powerful, truths
modeled by Jesus in Luke 2:52.
Wisdom • I need to make the wise choice
Faith • I can trust God no matter what
Friendship • I should treat others the way I want to be treated