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Watch our Next Steps video to learn more about journaling.

In order to be sustained in our walk with Christ, we need to be encouraged in Him on a daily basis, not just on Sundays. We believe that spiritual growth is each person’s own responsibility. One of the most important ways we own this responsibility is in the practice of journaling, which combines prayer, scripture reading, and listening in one powerful spiritual discipline.


Start with reading a short section out of the Bible. It could be a chapter, or it could be one verse. It's not how much you read—it's what you get out of it that counts. Often, God will highlight one part of the section that will just stick out to you or move your heart.


Next, take a minute and ask the Father what He wants to say to you out of His Word today. Sometimes you might pray and then go back and re-read the passage again.


Finally, write out what you feel the Father is saying to you, addressing it directly to yourself. We like to say, “give expression to your impression.” You may never hear an audible voice. It might be the gentle whispers of the Spirit that you could easily dismiss.




He is always encouraging. The Holy Spirit is called “the encourager” in the Bible because it is what He loves to do. Even when we are in our worst places in life, He doesn't criticize us, but gently points us in the right direction. Sometimes, one of the most helpful things to realize is that if you hear something so good you know you would never normally think it yourself, it's probably Him.


God is never condemning. If the thoughts are negative or reminders of your sinful behavior in an
un-redemptive way, it's not the Lord.


Usually God talks to us about very practical, simple things going on in our lives and our hearts, not super deep spiritual mysteries that are complex and hard to understand.

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